We inform women about issues and elections and we work to elect Republicans that believe in the founding principles of our country.


Who Are We?
Out of the women’s suffrage movement in Wisconsin, there were a variety of women’s groups around the state.
In the 1930’s, the Republican State Organization of Women was established.
Then, in 1940, the Republican Party of Wisconsin Constitution recognized the State Federation of Women and included the Wisconsin Federation President in its roster of vice-presidents.
In 1953 the women broke off from the party so they could have more leadership and training programs designed for women.
Today, the WI Fed of Rep Women continues our work to educate and inform the public, attracting women to the Republican cause. We contribute thousands of volunteer hours for candidates and Republican causes.
This year, we are all in on the re-election of President Trump and all of our Republican candidates. We’re heavily involved in all aspects of campaigning. We have an initiative to run targeted digital ads and to conduct events that attract WI women to vote Republican.